First lesson learned the hard way. The missing lens cap was from Samyang 85mm, which I was sure it was a 72mm cap. I decided to get a generic one without a name 'cause I find it a little pretentious putting a Nikon or a Canon cap on a 3rd party lens. Namyang was supposed to be the place to go (in Seoul) when it comes to camera gear. At the store, I specifically asked for a no-named 72mm lens cap. But when I tried to fit it on my lens, it was slightly bigger. I thought I made the mistake with the size, so I went back to the shop, bought a 67mm lens, and it didn't fit again. Now this upsets me because once you open the product, you can not return it. Out of frustration, I went to another store and gave in, thinking the "no-name" part was to blame. I thought my first 72mm lens cap had a factory default. To avoid that, I went ahead and bought a Nikon lens cap... 3 times more expensive because of the brand. Well, it did fit. And I'm slightly happy. But when I went home, I examined my first 72mm cap and apparently it was 77mm. Ok, I got it. Examine the thing thoroughly before reacting. Lesson learned.
But that wasn't the interesting part of the afternoon. It was what happened after I bought the right sized lens cap...
Seoul, as typically all cities, on a typical Sunday, is very noisy. You can hear someone shouting something through a megaphone/speaker on every turn. So I wasn't listening to whatever (I thought) advertisement they're shouting on the street. That was, until I saw traffic stopped for people to pass by. A demonstration!
I didn't see many photographers lurking and that gave me the boost. With a manual lens stuck on my camera, I think this is the time to test what I can do so far.
As these people pass by, I took the least I could allow myself. After all, it's not about what's happening. It's how much I've grown. It was a test of quality over quantity. I thought to myself, "If I still just shoot randomly and hope at least one of them are decent, I haven't grown."
The result? I look at these photos and see a LOT to work on to. And my keeper ratio isn't that high. Photo journalism is a field I like but struggle with. But I think I have improved a lot. If I look back to what I can do before, and see what I have done now, I know I did some things right.
It's still a long way to go. But at least I'm getting there.
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